@ cost of my life !!!

It was the first day of college.
Charged with so many ambitions and a desire to do something different.
Also to impress the girl sitting next to me, I turned my notebook and from the last pages started writing, writing what's going through my mind & what I trying to pretend, as in that I am so creative n different n artist n huh...desirable.

That's how I started writing. The studies and studying I left behind long ago, so to kill time in class (attendance has marks which at least I can earn), I write.
And yes if a girl sits next, man all of a sudden, the aatma of Chetan Bhagat come inside me & ... I write so well.

And before I realized it myself, a story started taking shape. A book.

However, as days passed, the stress of MBA & multiplied things happening all at once, which can make anyone go insane, must have been hard & way too much on already an INSANE like me. And thus big time Chemical Locha happened in my brains, well that's how I feel and think must have happened.
ऐसा ही हुआ होगा.

And ... to bring a really good story and to save world and to .... I committed to give my life. Insane ?

On a serious note,
I have been a true believer of Magic & Mysticism that exists.
Follower of The Law Of Attraction & Coelho & Bach.
To understand it more & reach the level when and where I can prove it to world, if not anything at least seek TRUTH for self.
TRUTH - The Reality, Is Magic Real ? Does it really exist ?

Don't believe blindly what eyes are telling, For I believe all they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you'll see the way to fly.

And thus I started experimenting, seeking and It asked for sacrifice say COST.
And I had passion & was ready to give everything, everything my Life for same.
And I gave it.

Is it worth it ???

I know well enough that what you believe is what the truth for you is.

Do you consider me Mad or Believe when I say MAGIC exists & I will share it with you, when I speak my Story - @ cost of my life.